sábado, 23 de noviembre de 2013

How is development understood and what is a ZPZ zone.

—The Development occurs through changes during the participation in sociocultural interactivity systems of their communities, which at the same time change by the action of the individuals. Culture is not only what other people do: they are models of interpretation and action, symbolic systems, intentional universes.

The first idea is that all functions appear first in the social level and then in an individual level. The second is that the superior psychological processes have a social genesis and the third is the  Distinction between the Current Development Zone and the Proximal Development Zone.

When another participant in the activity  provides instruction that is appropriately supplied, beyond than what the apprentice can do for itself, “attracts the attention of series of functions that are in a State of maturation in the zone of immediate development ” (Vigotsky, 1987)

The ZPD zone, is the concept that what today is done with help in a future it will be done autonomously.
 This autonomy is acquired as a dynamic relation between learning and development. Learning is a universal and necessary aspect of development and this help should follow some characteristics: Has to be adjustable,temporal and audible and visible.

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