jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

Emotional Development of children

Following elaborated studies done by GESEL,WALLON,FREUD and PIAGET, it formulates 9 stages for the emotional development :

1- Reflection Level : It is characterized by spontaneous and sudden movements, basic reflexes and also the basic needs of any living being.

2- Emotional Level: (3-9 months) : it contains the same characteristics of the Reflection level but it includes the communicative system based on what is pleasant or unpleasant for the kid.

3-Sensiomotor and projective Level ( 9 months-3years): The child wants to explore and interact with the environment. Child learn the cause-effect concept.

4- Representative Level : (18 months-3 years) : The child is comfortable in their environment and interact with happiness or sadness with their principal caregivers.

5- Personalism Level: (3 years-7 years) : Most important level of the affectivity evolution. Chils develop the 'ego', interact with others and is aware of the world and him/herself. Essential level to the development of the personality.

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