sábado, 23 de noviembre de 2013


The Development is a process through which new psychological functions are reached in interaction with the physical and socico.cultural context and that it's strongly linked with the learning processes.

In my opinion, I think that Development is a very abstract term, I mean, when we could know that these new psychological functions are reached in interaction with the physical and socio-cultural context?

 I don't know. So, from my point o view every person has their own development process, and like the characters of each o us, it could depen on the environments that we move around or it could change depending on our social interactions. So, in conclusion the first development is internal because we share some characteristics when we were born, but as I said before, there are factors that  are external and  newly created or others that we're creating throghout our lifes.

In another hand, there are 4 approaches in order to conduct the students' development :

PSYCHODYNAMIC THEORY: It's an approach to psychology that emphasises the systematic study of the psychological forces that underlie human behavior, feelings, and emotions and how they are related to early experience.

There are 3 authors who explained this theory : Freud, Bowly and Erikson.
Freud think that  the behavior is controlled by powerful unconscious impulses that are the basis of motivation.Bowlby that human beings have innate adaptation mechanisms to survive; such as the search of the bonding figure (secure attachment). From its quality it depends the future socio-affective development and Erikson thinks that society influences on the personality development, which evolves through different crisis stages.

BEHAVIOURAL THEORY has a social basis of the development that depends on the learning. The traditional learning theory (Pavlov, Skinner, Watson) talks about people reactions when they have differents stimulus. For example in the next picture we can see how a dog drooling when he has an stimulus in front of him.

COGNITIVIST THEORY:Jean Piaget , thought that there are some qualitative changes in the thought operations that occur from childhood to adolescence. There are dierent stages or different cognitive structures in our development. This dierent stages are:

Sensory Motor Stage (Birth - 2years)
Pre-operational Stage (2yrs-7years)
Concrete Operational Stage (7years-11years)
Formal Operations Stage (11years-16years)

SOCIO-HISTORIC-CULTURAL THEORY  is the social basis of the development and  it depends on the context and culture influences.

I think that the most importan author in this theory is Vigostki because he thinks that social interactions are the basis of human development.Let's see whats did he say.

''Every function in the child’s cultural development appears twice: first, on the social level, and later, on the individual level; first, between people (interpsychological) and then inside the child (intrapsychological). This applies equally to voluntary attention, to logical memory, and to the formation of concepts. All the higher functions originate as actual relationships between individuals. (Vygotsky, 1978, p.57)''

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