sábado, 1 de febrero de 2014

How to prepare an activity of motor skills.

In my opinion, physical education teachers have to work more the psychomotricity in the subject. In this section we learnt how to do an activity though for the children but aplying it with our peers. Our activity was:

1. Title of the activity
Playing with the psychomotricity: We can be animals too !!
2. Description of the activity
Students have to reproduce the movements and sounds of the animals that the teacher says. When the music sounds, the students have to reproduce the movements and sounds and when the teacher turn the music off,  children have to stop and wait to listen the music again in order to represent another animal.
a) Psychomotor aspects that develops or stimulates :
- Coordination and movement regulation.
- Control of own body.
- Capacity to properly orient the body in space.
- Static equilibrium.
- Dynamic equilibrium.
- The child delimit his body in relation to persons, objects and space (Run, stand up and turn with control ).
  - Oriented in the field (left, right, near, far, inside out, until x limit, etc.) with references in space and not in his own body.
  - Linking and/or synchronize actions within a time.
b) Objectives
- To coordinate both parts of the body.
- To have the capacity to orient the body in space.
- To coordinate the movements with the music and the vocal sounds imitating the animals.
d) Needed sources and space requirements
We need a big class because all of students have to move spaciously in the classroom to carry out the movements.
e) Number of participants recommended
25-30 students
3. Activity assessment: We expect to corroborate that all of students have the psychomotricity developed ( although always there are more awkward people).
4. References and sources reviewed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJdkHOQtJX0
5. Reflection: As a future teacher, how can this experience be useful for me?
We think that prepare these activity for our classmates help us to take experience at the time to prepare activities because as a futures teachers we will have to organize a lot of activities for the kids.
Doing these activity we can know if we are right at the time that we choose this activity to work the psychomotricity because our classmates and also the teacher give to us their opinion, so we can improve for future situations.

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