lunes, 3 de febrero de 2014

Body scheme definition

The body scheme perception is the image of the conscious perception that we have of our body.
 The progressive experience is physical and social. The perceptual image is the information about size and shape of our body. Our cognitive image are the beliefs, thoughts, self-messages about our body and our emotional image are the level of satisfaction with our figure and with the experiences that our body proportionate us.              

 Preschool and school stages are fundamental in the development of the body scheme. The body schemes develops slowly during childhood because children know his/her body before knowing the world. Is a slowly constructed until 11/ 12 years old and depends on the maturation of the nervous system  and also it depends in which way  interact  the children with her/his environment and the context.  
Education can contribute to help children in order to construct the body scheme to avoid some possible socialization or learning difficulties.

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