sábado, 8 de febrero de 2014



UCOC, Qualiform 2012 , Desarrollo cognitivo y motriz,  Técnico en educación infantil
UCOC, Qualiform 2012, Desarrollo socio-afectivo, Técnico en educación infantil

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lunes, 3 de febrero de 2014


To be a teacher, is too important to know how are the children development in order to proportionate them a good education. In this blog I talk about some interesting things that a teacher have to know in order to give them a good attention.

Educative influence mechanisms

Teachers have to connect with the content representation that students have and help them to modify it in order to the progressive construction of meaning systems.
Students  should modify their initial representations so that the new ones become reach and complex and that can be learned and assumed.
 Initially teachers strategically makes a renounce in order to reach a shared system of meanings and representations, This process is essentially because of the spoken language.

School and language improvement

 It,s important that children increase vocabulary, morphological knowledge ans meta linguistic conscience, the grammatical rules and complex syntactical structures domain and learning of concepts and symbols in order to obtain a good communication skills when they finished the school years.

Development of linguistic competences ( oral and written expression). The language improvement requires the learning of a variety of knowledge, which has to be taught in interactive context trough authentic tasks with practical sense.

Piaget Vs Vigostky


The egocentric talk which is not directed to anyone neither is adapted to the other comprehension is differentiated from the outer speech. Language illustrates the existing schemes but it does not have significant role on the cognitive development, neither helps the child to construct new structures.


Talk moves from the social world to the private speech and afterwards, it is transformed into internal speech, accomplish the function of cognitive self-direction. The egocentric talk is the function of this kind of private talk is to help the child to regulate the behavior and solve problems

Vigotski think that children development depends on the learning. To him , mental or psychological functions are social and are classified as inferior and superior.The lower psychological functions are biological or genetically formed (involuntary), and higher mental functions are formed socially through educational processes and giving them tools or signs. But Piaget think that there are different stages that a children have to pass in order to acquire the knowledge.

Thinking and language

 The development of the linguistic competence  in order to acquire a good skills to communicate us with the other human beings need to learn four kinds of knowledge to develop the linguistic competence:

- Phonology that are the basic units of sounds.
- Semantic: that are the meaning of the symbols
- The sintaxi of the grammatical rules to combine words
Pragmatic that are abilities to efficiently communicate;

We starts to babble when we are babies, to comprehend with the sequential language in order to dialogue and be able to have a conversation ( Pre linguistic period + Linguistic period + Pragmatic ).

The memory

We found 3 processes in order to memorize things : Codification, Storage and retrieval.                                The codification is initially registered in a way that the memory can use. The storage maintaining the stored material , consciousness and utilization.

 There are 4 kind of memory:,The declarative memory  that is for the objectives which remembered names,faces,dates. The semantic memory that attribute ideas, concepts.. The episodic memory that has reference in the individual for example personal facts that was happened( trip,a date..) And the procedural memory that for the motor and executive skills needed to undertake a task.

Everything that we know about the reality, has to be mediated by the organs of our senses and for a set of systems that interpret and re-intent basic cognitive processes; In this processes is important to take into account the individual differences and it's too important that teachers teach the students strategies to help them in order to regulate their cognitive cognitive.