lunes, 3 de febrero de 2014

The cognitive process according to Piaget

Scheme is the concept that exist in a subjects mind to organize and interpret the information. The assimilation is a mental process that happens when the child incorporate new knowledge  to the previous knowledge.
 The accommodation happens when a child adjust information towards new schemes. The cognitive is a mental operation through which we become knowers of the objects and life. Also, is a set of mental process that take place between the stimulus reception and the answer to them or processes through which the sensorial input is transformed, reduced,elaborated, retrieved or used.      

As a future teachers, it's interesting to know that we have to catch the children attention in order to their focused in a specific task. We have to be clear in order to ask for a task, we have to be specifics and motivated the students in order to reach the goal : it results and efficient and economic perception for the actuation.


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