sábado, 1 de febrero de 2014

Graphic Gesture Development

As a future teachers, I think that it is interesting to know how can I know about a child watching what did he/she draw in a paper.

We can differentiate some stages of the  graphic psychomotricty :

1. Homo-lateral lines (trazos) (16 months) 
 The line has a proximal origin and all the arm is in movement. The straight segments are from left to right.

2. Horizontal or Oblique Sweepings (barridos) (20 months) 
 Lines that combine the start from the axis and the return to  the same point and Back and forth movements, symmetric for both hands

3.Circular lines, positives or negatives 
More flexible lines that substitute the sweepings.Those lines are combined with a proximal origin movement and a rotatory movement of distal origin.

Trough the observation of the drawings we can observe  the children aspects: his/her physical developmen, feelings.. And also, we can observe their maturation process

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