jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

Attachment styles

Attachment is an emotional bond, basically during the first two years of life,established between the child and a similar and is characterized by a series of behaviors, feelings and a degree of closeness that is created between them.

The attachment styles are associated to certain emotions and with their expression and regulation; therefore the strategies used to express and regulate emotions are coherent with the attachment style.


- Reciprocal interaction mother-child
- Trust in the efficacy and availability of the mother
- Democratic educative styles
- No need of constant contact, the security build in the relation allows/potentiates autonomy and trust.


-  Incoherent attachment figures, emotionally unstable
- It generates anxiety for the fear of loosing the relation, and rage for the fault of availability
- Overprotective and/or permissive educative styles
- Difficulty to build up autonomy (immature), affective relations more unstable (low persistence) and less secure.


- Hostile attachment figures or with difficulty to express affect
- Impatience, intrusiveness
- Cold educative styles, oscillating between the authoritarianism and the abandonmen
- Loneliness feelings, social isolation behaviors, distant relations with few intimacy, aggressive (low self-control).


- Negligent attachment figures and/or psychical abuse
- Cycles of protection (control), refusal and aggression
- Bond and fear to the attachment figure (approximation/avoidance)
- Educative styles negligent or indifferent
- Feelings of confusion (identity problems), social isolation or antisocial behavior (no sensitive to others), complicated relation with approximation and disengagement, abuse.

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